With over 20 stationary set-ups, our early season blinds are comprised of permanant hedge-row blinds, elaborate box blinds and fiberglass pits. They are large, comfortable and safe enough to accommodate several hunters & guides. They shield you from the elements and hide you from the birds. They are also constructed so that hunters have a great view to watch the birds work as they circle and commit to the calls & decoys. These permanent blinds are strategically located in high traffic areas and hunted on a rotation system allowing for minimal pressure and consistent success. Guests are driven to within a short walking distance of our blinds, shortly before legal shooting hours. All blinds are accessible from dry land. Later in the year when the corn and beans are harvested, we go MOBILE! If we absolutely have to, we turn to hunting with the ever popular laydown blinds. But any reputable outfitter/guide will tell you that in a very short time period, the geese have become extremely wary of those blinds. Those little “humps” that stick out amongst countless decoy spreads across the country have made geese much more challenging to hunt. Most times and especially later during the season when dealing with pressured and educated birds, the geese will avoid them at all costs. Due to a NEW state-of-the-art blind concept by Avian-X called the “A-Frame”, we now have a secret weapon against the geese. The new blinds were tested thoroughly throughout the 2011 season on both early and late season Ducks, Canada Geese and even on Snow Geese with unbelievable results. It’s something new for the birds and the well camouflaged blinds don’t seem to bother the birds at all as they decoy to them without any suspicion or hesitation. These blinds are awesome to hunt out of if you enjoy shooting geese Up Close as most of the shooting is done at point blank range while you are in a standing position to shoot. The A-Frame’s weightless portability, low profile, natural appearance (allowing it to blend in perfectly with any environment) and excellent concealment abilities allows us to set up in the middle of vast harvested fields or using edge cover as a backdrop. Safety and comfort are of the utmost importance for our hunters which are always positioned in the best possible location to ensure a phenomenal hunt. The key to success...LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION! Be where the birds want to be. |